The character of Villanelle is one of the most profound female TV roles. The role itself is actually quite simple, but the implications behind it are ineffable. The subtleness of human emotions, the representation (or the realization) of feminism, the capability of a female psychopath in an adorable way, and its pure female-gaze fascinate me. It's so sexy without being sexual. The tension between Oxana and all other characters is created by her alone, but somehow it works.
Roman Polanski「黑帮大佬和我的365天免费观看」嘅首部(另外兩部系《花与蛇3下载》、《搡老女人ⅩXXX搡老女人录像》)擁有愛情和事業借居於姊姊在倫敦公寓嘅比利時女孩Carol時常心神不寧當姊姊與情人前往意國外遊冰美人獨守空房內心嘅心魔開始進佔佢開始無法專心工作演變到不敢出門兔肉腐殠、鋒利嘅刮鬍刀、強暴和無數怪手穿牆而出侵犯等離奇嘅幻覺夾雜對性愛嘅恐懼與渴望但凡進於幽閉密室嘅男人幾乎都遭到悲劇嘅下場Polanski以光、影、聲營造如真似幻嘅驚慄恐懼搭配住黑白電影都無法掩蓋她的美嘅Catherine Deneuve嘅「春江水暖桃仙汁1V2糙」出演睇完果真有背脊發涼嘅feelanyway聽Deneuve講英文帶有少少法式口音就系各種可愛加得意