Sorry I forgot to record it. It's a lovely romantic movie, and again, George Clooney nailed it. It's funny today someone told me not to say sorry, which means you are weak. I am not sure about the second part, but yes sometimes we don't need to say sorry, although it's just for being polite. Sometimes they will climb on your nose for you being weak
喜欢电影在表达情绪方面用的视听元素 融合衔接得非常intimate/ 各地收集来的水晶球就像表面上好无裂隙的美满家庭 妖风肆虐的天气才是此刻的生活/女主跟查泰莱夫人同名 小白脸最后倒在一本白牙边上/be happy for this moment. This moment is your life 但从整体走向来看又似乎成了出轨警示片/有人说DL跟V演的月球漫步是这部的演练 慕名而来 果然/所以直男心里已婚美女出轨对象都是帅气文艺男子 不是画家就是书商那种